Derek Williams, CFP®
Wealth Advisor
What is your financial superpower?
I am best at taking a complex situation (such as a client’s financial picture) and boiling it down to the essentials, so I can communicate that information clearly to the client. I really enjoy a client showing up with a huge folder of papers and eventually having their entire financial plan (outline) on a single piece of paper.
What makes you unique as an advisor?
I didn’t grow up wealthy. I prioritize smart money management as a significant tool toward financial freedom.
What are your beliefs about your profession?
I believe that if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. If you just take a few hours per year to review your finances, make sure everything is in order, ensure you’re sticking to your budget, etc, that can make a huge difference. One of my favorite sayings related to planning is: “When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When’s the second best time? Right now.”
What’s the most fun part of your job?
Interacting with different and interesting people. I also really enjoy the mix of analytical and interpersonal skills that advising requires. Being able to go from analyzing a spreadsheet to discussing someone’s hopes and dreams gives me the opportunity to do something that is both technical and meaningful.
Do you work with a special market or are you drawn to one?
I really enjoy working with business owners. They get to add something to society while living their dream. It’s fun to help people do the things they’re so passionate about. I also enjoy helping my clients through the planning challenges and flexibility requirements that result from owning your own business.
Is there anything in your life personally that has helped motivate you to improve the financial situation of yourself and your clients?
I remember realizing as a kid that while my family wasn’t wealthy, there were people out there struggling to make ends meet. That inspired me to go to college and later realize financial planning is my dream job. Our firm’s focus on generational wealth allows me to help families plan for what could be next and avoid some hard times.
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