Elliot Williams, CPA, CFP®

Wealth Advisor

Zach Carver

What is your financial superpower?

“Financial-Ray Vision” is the ability to see through any financial situation, no matter the complexity, with the end-goal clear in sight.

What makes you unique as a financial services professional?

I am purpose-driven and take pride in helping others find their purpose, with clear direction and confidence. I won’t come into a meeting with predetermined strategies. Let’s first define what living life empowered – or living a “rich” life, as I like to call it – means to you, and then I can reach into my financial planning tool bag. Together we can build a plan that’s best for you.

What are your beliefs about the financial planning profession?

I believe the financial planning profession serves as a means to partner with others in living their own uniquely defined “rich” life.

What financial planning is not: salespeople pushing an insurance product. Investment portfolios compiled by a phone app. Glorified budgeting. Just a nice-to-have extra… These misconceptions muddle the true value of integrated tax and financial advice and those who need it most get confused and sometimes scared away.

What is it, then? A guiding relationship or partnership. It is our job, as advisors, to provide certainty in times of uncertainty.

What’s the most fun part of your job?

That feeling I get when I learn something new and immediately begin visualizing all the ways it will benefit our clients!

What particular client personality or circumstance are you most drawn to?

Dreamers – when you start our conversation with your aspirations, the lifestyle you want, without limiting yourself to where you are today – financially or mentally, I’m ready to not just dream with you, but also work out the details. We get to move all we can out of the way so you live your meaningful life.

Tell a personal story that has helped motivate you to improve the financial situation of yourself and your clients or community.

My life – before having any real responsibility, before truly understanding that choices I make today directly affect the life I wish to live tomorrow – was relatively good. I fell into the trap of being content with that “good life” until it suddenly became that “not quite so good life.”
After much reflection – and meeting the woman of my dreams – I grasped a deeper understanding of what it takes to live a purpose-driven life.

With my background in accounting, I was able to learn financial planning too, and quickly realized the power of having a financial plan that considers all aspects of your life – taxes, goals, and more. I began to understand your financial plan is a key element to reaching your potential.

Now I’m passionate about developing tools necessary to guide my family and many, many others into living their own version of a rich life.

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