Madilyn Thacker
Tax Advisor
What is your superpower?
My financial superpower as a tax advisor is my ability to seamlessly integrate tax optimization strategies with my clients’ broader financial goals. With a deep understanding of tax laws and regulations, I identify deductions, credits, and planning opportunities that others might miss. This ensures my clients benefit from every available tax advantage, significantly reducing their tax liabilities. My expertise not only prepares accurate and beneficial tax returns but also provides strategic advice that aligns with their overall financial well-being, securing their financial future with confidence and precision.
What makes you unique in your role?
What makes me unique in my tax advisory role is my holistic approach to financial well-being, combining deep tax expertise with personalized, strategic planning. I don’t just prepare tax returns; I proactively identify opportunities for tax savings and align them with my clients’ long-term financial goals.
What are your beliefs about the financial planning profession?
The tax profession is not what it used to be. We are not all suit-and-tie and we’re not all introverts. We do have fun!
What’s the most fun part of your job?
Client interaction. Accounting can be a behind-closed-doors industry. However, here at Cook Wealth, we utilize a custom service calendar so we are intentionally reaching out to clients at least quarterly. This is on top of any additional questions or scenarios that might be thrown our way.
What particular client personality or circumstance are you most drawn to?
I’m most drawn to individuals in their 30s-40s with growing families, just starting to build wealth. I’m currently in that stage of my life so I can empathize and add the most value.
Is there anything in your life personally that has helped motivate you to improve the financial situation of yourself, your clients, or your community?
Yes! I am currently planning a future with my fiancé, so we talk often about our plans for a family and what that looks like 5 years, 10 years, and 40 years in the future. It’s never too early OR too late to start your financial plan!
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