Marilyn Yoder
Office Manager
What’s your superpower?
Empathy. I try to make life easier for those whose lives I touch. We all face hardship and we all celebrate wins. The people in your life who care to walk alongside you in both – those are invaluable relationships.
What do you most enjoy about your career?
I enjoy learning and helping others – our team and our clients. Getting to meet new people and making them feel welcome is something I look forward to doing each day.
What makes you unique in your role / profession?
Having worked with people from diverse backgrounds and professions over the years, I am attuned to cultural differences. I enjoy people and offer them space to be their authentic selves.
Is there anything in your life personally that has helped motivate you to improve the financial situation of yourself or someone else’s?
My father succumbed to a Ponzi scheme and lost most of his life’s savings. He got there by taking advice from friends. I’ve seen how devastating it was for him to make an uninformed decision, so I insist those who provide me financial advice are experienced, credentialed professionals who ask the right questions
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